Commands with which you can add or remove features are listed below. If the character identifier is not entered, the attribute will be assigned to the character for which you are currently playing.
To activate the event, use the command event [identifier] .
Diseases of gain/loss | |
6000 | Get sick with syphilis |
6001 | Ruler no longer has syphilis |
6010 | for leprosy |
6011 | Ruler is no longer "leper" |
6020 | Becoming Crazy |
6021 | Ruler is no longer "crazy" |
6030 | makes you obsessed |
6031 | Ruler is no longer "obsessed" |
6040 | Adds stress |
6041 | Ruler is no longer "experiencing stress" |
6050 | Adds Depression |
6051 | removes the ruler’s depression |
6060 | Get sick with a common disease |
6061 | Ruler is no longer "sick" |
6062 | Deprives a child’s “painful” traits |
6070 | Get pneumonia. |
6071 | removes pneumonia from the ruler |
244 | Ruler gets seriously injured "Crippled" |
6080 | Ruler gains "Wounded" trait |
6081 | Ruler is no longer "wounded" |
6100 | makes you weak |
6110 | The ruler is no longer "weak", but "incapable" |
245 | Ruler Gets Disabled |
61160 | No longer “legally incompetent” |
6111 | removes consumption from the ruler |
6112 | Ruler no longer feverish |
6113 | Ruler no longer has typhoid |
6114 | Ruler is no longer "infected by the plague" |
6115 | removes measles from the ruler |
6116 | Ruler no longer has smallpox |
add_trait [Trait ID] [character] adds a trait to the character.
remove_trait [Trait ID] [character] removes the trait from the character.
Health | |
stressed | gives the line In stress: -1 intrigue -1 management -10% fertility -1.00 health |
depressed | Depressed: -1 intrigue -1 management -1 diplomacy -1 education -5.0% fertility -1.00 health |
lunatic | Crazy: -10 sex drive/aversion -5 vassal attitude |
possessed | gives the line Obsessed: +1 combat skill -10 sex drive/disgust |
wounded | Injured: -1 military craft -1.00 health -1 combat skill |
maimed | Crippled: -2 military craft -2.00 health -4 combat skills -15 libido/aversion |
infirm | Weak: -3 intrigue -3 military craft -3 diplomacy -3 management -3 education -30% fecundity -1.00 health -5 combat skills |
incapable | gives the line Disabled: -6 military craft -6 intrigue -6 diplomacy -6 management -6 education -30% fertility -3.00 health -10 combat skills |
drunkard | Drunkard: -2 management -1 combat skills -5 clergy relations -5 sex drive/aversion |
scarred | Character receives Scars: +0.10 increase in prestige (monthly) |
immortal | gives the line Immortal: +10 health - this person has comprehended the secret of eternal life. Nevertheless, injuries threaten him. |
physician | Famous doctor: Increase in prestige + 0.25 (Monthly) +1 diplomacy +2 education + 0.50 health + 5 general opinions |
Diseases | |
ill | Patient: -1 military craft -20% fertility -2.00 health -1 combat skill |
pneumonic | gives pneumonia disease: -3 personal combat skills -2 military craft -2 intrigue -2 diplomacy -2 management -2 education -50% fertility -4.00 health |
syphilitic | Syphilis: -1 military craft -1 intrigue -1 diplomacy -1 management -1 education -20% fertility -2.00 health -30 sex drive/aversion |
leper | Leper: -5 general opinion -2 combat skills -95% fecundity -35 sex drive/aversion -1.50 health |
has_tuberculosis | gives consumption disease: -2 combat skills -2 intrigues -2 diplomacy -1 management -2.00 health |
has_typhoid_fever | Typhoid fever: -4 combat skills -2 military craft -1 intrigue -1 education -10% fertility -3.00 health |
has_typhus | Typhus: -4 combat skills -2 management -1 intrigue -2 education -1 diplomacy -20% fecundity -4.00 health |
has_bubonic_plague | Bubonic plague: -10 combat skills -3 military craft -3 intrigues -2 diplomacy -2 management -2 education -50% fecundity -7.00 health |
has_measles | gives measles disease: -3 combat skills -2 control -1 education -110% fertility -2.00 health |
has_small_pox | Smallpox: -10 combat skills -2 diplomacy -1 management -2 education -25% fertility -3.00 health |
has_aztec_disease | Syphilitic: -3 combat skills -2 military craft -3 intrigues -3 diplomacy -2 management -20% fertility -4.00 health -30 sex drive/aversion |
sickly | gives the line Painful: -2.50 health (Only in children) |
flu | Influenza: -1 combat skill -1 military craft -1 education -1 management -1 intrigue -1 diplomacy -2.00 health -30 sex drive/disgust |
dysentery | Dysentery -2 combat skills -3 military crafts -3 intrigues -25% fecundity -4.00 health -30 sex drive/aversion |
gout | gives the disease Gout: -2 combat skills -1 military craft -2 management -2.00 health |
food_poisoning | Food poisoning: -1 combat skill -2 military craft -2 intrigue -2 diplomacy -2 management -2 education -50% fertility -3.00 health -25 sex drive/aversion |
rabies | Rabies: +3 personal combat skills -3 intrigues -3 diplomacy -2 management -2 education -7.00 health -5 vassal relations -20 sex drive/aversion |
cancer | Cancer: -20% fertility -3.00 health |
dancing_plague | Zinga: -2 combat skills -1 military craft -1 intrigue -1 diplomacy -1 management -1 education -3.00 health |
scurvy | Dancing Plague: + 25% fertility -1 military craft -1 intrigue -1 diplomacy -1 management -1 education -2.00 health |
Symptoms | |
cough | gives symptom Cough: -1 diplomacy -0.25 health -5 sex drive/aversion |
fever | Fever: -1 combat skill -1 control -1 education -10% fertility -1.00 health |
diarrhea | Diarrhea: -1 combat skill -2 military craft -2 intrigues -20% fecundity -1.00 health -10 sex drive/aversion |
vomiting | Vomiting: -1 combat skill -2 intrigues -2 diplomacy -30% fecundity -10 sex drive/disgust |
chest_pain | gives the symptom Chest pain: -1 combat skill -2.00 health |
cramps | Colic: -1 combat skill -2 military craft -0.50 health |
rash | Rash: -10% fecundity -0.50 health -5 sex drive/aversion |
headache | Migraine: -1 combat skill -1 diplomacy -1 management -1 education -0.50 health |
abdominal_pain | gives the symptom Abdominal pain: -10% fecundity -1.00 health |
fatigue | Weakness: -1 intrigue -1 diplomacy -0.25 health |
malaise | Ailment: -0.75 health |
infection | Infection: -1 combat skill -3 military craft -3 diplomacy -3 intrigue -3 management -3 education -2.00 health -15 sex drive/aversion |
Activities | |
one_eyed | one-eyed mutilation: -1 combat skill +10 pagan opinions -5 sex drive/disgust |
one_handed | One-armed: +1 education -2 combat skills -5 sex drive/disgust |
one_legged | One-legged: +1 education -3 combat skills -10 sex drive/disgust |
disfigured | disfigured mutilated: -4 diplomacy -20 sex drive/aversion |
mangled | Twisted: -2 military craft -2 diplomacy -2 intrigue -2 management -2 education -3.00 health -4 combat skills -50% fecundity -5 sex drive/aversion |
severely_injured | Seriously injured: -2 combat skills -2 military skills -2 intrigues -25% fecundity -2.00 health -10 sex drive/aversion. |
Birth (Children) | |
bastard | gives the line Bastard (Illegitimate): -1 diplomacy |
twin | Twin: +30 twin brother/sister relationship |
legit_bastard | Legitimized Bastard: -1 diplomacy |
pregnant | gives the line Pregnancy: -2 combat skills +15 marital relations |
born_in_the_purple | Scarlet: +0.50 increase in prestige (monthly) +5 ratio of vassals |
child_of_consort | Child from concubine: -1 diplomacy |
Genetics (Positive) | |
fair | gives the line Attractive: +1 Diplomacy +30 sex drive/disgust |
genius | Genius: +5 military craft +5 diplomacy +5 intrigue +5 education +5 control +1 combat skill +5 vassal attitude |
quick | Deliberate: +3 military craft +3 diplomacy +3 intrigue +3 education +3 management |
strong | gives the line Strong: +2 military craft +1 diplomacy + 10% fecundity +1.00 health +1 combat personal skill +10 sex drive/disgust +10 tribal opinions +5 vassal attitude |
Genetics (Negative) | |
clubfooted | clubfoot: -1 military craft -10 sex drive/aversion -1 combat skill |
harelip | With cleft lip -1 diplomacy -10 sex drive/disgust |
hunchback | gives the Brokeback trait: -1 military craft -30 sex drive/aversion -5 vassal attitude |
lisp | Lisp: -1 diplomacy -5 sex drive/disgust |
stutter | Zaika: -1 diplomacy |
ugly | Ugly: -1 diplomacy -20 sex drive/loathing |
dwarf | gives the dwarf trait: -1 military craft -3 combat skills -30 sex drive/disgust |
slow | Stupid: -3 military craft -3 diplomacy -3 education -3 management -3 intrigue |
imbecile | Demented: -8 military craft -8 diplomacy -8 education -8 management -8 intrigues -3 combat skills -30 sex drive/disgust -10 relationship vassals |
inbred | gives the trait a Geek: -5 military craft -5 diplomacy -5 education -5 management -5 intrigue -2 combat skills -30 sex drive/aversion -10 vassal relationships -30% fertility -1.50 health |
weak | Weak: -1 military craft -5% fecundity -1.00 health -1 combat skill -5 vassal attitude -10 tribe opinion -10 sex drive/disgust |
Genetics (non-inherited or neutral) | |
robust | Muscular: +2 military craft +1 diplomacy +1.00 health +1 combat skill +5 sex drive/aversion +5 vassal relations +5 tribal opinion |
feeble | Feeble: -1 military craft -0.50 health -1 combat skill -5 vassal attitude -5 tribal opinion -5 sex drive/disgust |
shrewd | gives the line Insightful: +2 military craft +2 diplomacy +2 intrigue +2 education +2 management |
dull | Dumb: -2 military craft -2 diplomacy -2 intrigue -2 education -2 management |