List of events in Crusader Kings 2 on character traits

Commands with which you can add or remove features are listed below. If the character ID is not entered, the attribute will be assigned to the character for which you are currently playing.

Cheats on character traits in Crusader Kings 2 through events

To activate the event, use the command event [identifier] .

242 to the death of the ruler 100%
270 Gets the Brave trait
271 Gets the "Coward" trait
271 Gets the Irate trait
273 Gets the Patient trait
1001 to obtain the moderate/glutton trait
1003 Gets the Greedy/Generous trait
1004 Gets the Zeal/Lazy trait
1005 Gets the "Good/Envious" trait (Women)
1006 Gets the "Good/Envious" trait (Men)
1008 to receive the "Arrogant/Modest" trait
1009 Gets the Insidious/Honest trait
1011 Gets the Shy/Sociable trait
1012 Gets the "Ambitious/Moderate" trait
1013 Gets the "Samodur/Fair" trait
1014 to receive the Pious/Cynical trait
1016 Gets the Paranoid/Trusting trait
1018 Gets the trait "Lustful/Chaste" (w)
1029 Losing the "Chaste" line
1030 Losing the “Moderate” trait
1031 for the loss of the Glutton trait
1032 Losing the Generous trait
1033 Losing the Greedy Trait
1034 Losing the Zealous Trait
1035 Losing the Lazy trait
1036 to lose the "Good" trait
1037 Loses the Hanging Trait
1038 Loses the Patient trait
1039 Losing the Angry Trait
1040 Losing the Humble Trait
1041 for the loss of the trait of "Arrogant"
1042 Losing the Lustful Trait
1043 Loses the Honest Trait
1044 Losing trait "Insidious"
1045 Losing the Brave trait
1046 for the loss of the "coward" trait
1047 Loses the "Sociable" line
1048 Losing the Shy trait
1049 Losing the Satisfied trait
1050 Losing the “Ambitious” trait
1051 for the loss of the "Fair" trait
1052 Losing the Samodur trait
1053 Losing the Pious Trait
1054 Losing the Cynical trait
1057 Losing Paranoid Trait
1058 to lose the "Good" trait
1060 Gets the Lustful/Chaste trait
1980 Gets the homosexual trait
1985 Losing the “Homosexual” trait
3202 gives 0.25 health, eliminates gluttony and drunkenness. You can upgrade.
3520 Turns Off the Vow of Indifference
5002 Gets the Scholar trait
5003 Gets the Mystic trait
5024 Gets the Torture trait
5025 to get the Gardener trait
5032 Gets the "Beginner Poet"
5033 Gets the Beginner Duelist
5036 Gets the Poet trait
5037 Gets the duelist trait
5041 to receive "Beginner Falconer"
5042 Gets the Beginner Hunter
5045 Gets the Falconer trait
5046 Gets the Hunter trait
5070 Gets the Hedonist
39211 for the loss of the trait of "Killer Relatives" for gold among Catholics
65145 Loses the "Freak" trait, there is a chance to get the "Attractive" trait with a low chance

Cheats on character traits in Crusader Kings 2 through teams

add_trait [Trait ID] [character] adds a trait to the character.

remove_trait [Trait ID] [character] removes the trait from the character.


amateurish_plotter gives the line Conspirator Delitant: +1 to intrigue -1 to management
flamboyant_schemer Conspiracyless Conspirator: +3 to intrigue -1 to management
intricate_webweaver Artificial Scam: +1 military +6 intrigue +1 diplomacy -1 management
elusive_shadow The Elusive Shadow: +2 military +9 intrigue +2 diplomacy -1 management
naive_appeaser gives the line Naive Peacemaker: -1 Military +1 diplomacy
underhanded_rogue Backstage Wretch: -1 Military +3 diplomacy + 5.0% fertility
charismatic_negotiator Brilliant negotiator: -1 Military +1 intrigue +6 diplomacy +1 education + 10.0% fertility
gray_eminence Gray Cardinal: -1 Military +2 intrigue +9 diplomacy +2 education + 10.0% fertility
indulgent_wastrel gives the Trajir trait: -1 diplomacy +1 management
thrifty_clerk Lean Officer: -1 diplomacy +3 management + 5.0% fertility
fortune_builder Creator of his fate: -1 diplomacy +6 management +1 military +1 education + 10.0% fertility
midas_touched gives the line With the gift of Midas: -1 diplomacy +9 management +2 military +2 education + 15.0% fertility
misguided_warrior Failed commander: +1 military -1 education +0.50 health +1 combat skills
tough_soldier Weathered warrior: +3 military -1 education +0.50 health +1 combat skills
skilled_tactician gives the line Skillful tactician: +6 military +1 intrigue +1 management -1 education +0.50 health +1 combat skills
brilliant_strategist Brilliant Strategist: +9 military +2 intrigue +2 management -1 education +0.50 health +1 combat skills +1 leadership traits
detached_priest Priest: -1 intrigue +1 education
martial_cleric gives the line Submissive Servant of the Church: -1 intrigue +3 education +10 Zeal
scholarly_theologian Scientist Theologian: -1 intrigue +6 education +1 management +1 diplomacy -5.0% fecundity +20 Zeal
mastermind_theologian Outstanding theologian: -1 intrigue +9 education +2 management +2 diplomacy -5.0% fertility +30 Zeal


haughty gives the trait Haughty: This child is proud and conceited, convinced of his superiority. May develop into arrogant, petty or cruel. +1 Military Skill
affectionate Affectionate: This child is kind and quick to show love and affection. Can develop into Trusted, Kind or Satisfied +1 diplomacy
timid Timid: This child is shy and usually avoids open conflict. May develop into a humble, shy or coward. +1 education
rowdy gives an exuberant trait: This child is loud and lively and usually prefers gross physical activity. May develop into a muscular, honest, or stupid. +1 Military Skill
willful Strong-willed: This child is stubborn and strong-willed, and does not obey or is easily inferior. May develop into ambitious, courageous or stubborn. +1 intrigue
brooding Thoughtful: This child is a thinker, often sitting inside in deep thought, as others play outside in the sun. May develop into a fair, angry or addictive +1 intrigue
indolent gives the trait Idle: This child really does not like any tension, whether mental or physical. May develop in a generous, lazy, or gluttonous. +1 intrigue
playful Playful: This child likes to engage in fun and games, almost always turning any activity into an excuse for the game. It can develop into sociable, insidious and (rarely) crazy +1 diplomacy
conscientious Conscientious: This child is extraordinarily scrupulous and responsible, rejoicing in completing any tasks and tasks to perfection. May develop into a diligent or moderate +1 management
fussy gives the line Finicky: This child is very specific in details that seem trivial to others. May develop into a patient, greedy or paranoid +1 management
curious Curious: This child has a curious character, he constantly asks questions and is looking for new and interesting things. May develop into Insightful, cynical or empathize with other religions. +1 education
idolizer Impressive: This child is easily impressed and also has an ardent desire to seek the truth. May develop into a devout, scholar, or frail +1 education


hedonist Hedonist: +1 intrigue +2 diplomacy + 20% fecundity -5 relationship with Christ Church
scholar gives the line Scientist: +3 education
gardener Gardener: +2 management +1 education
mystic Mystic: +1 management +2 education
impaler Spinner: +2 intrigue +1 education + 10% attacking morale
duelist gives the line Duelist: +3 military craft +5 combat skills
hunter Hunter: +2 military craft +1 diplomacy + 20% prosecution
seducer Master Seducer: +2 intrigues +1 diplomacy +50 sex drive/disgust
seductress Master Seductress: +2 intrigue +1 diplomacy +50 sex drive/disgust
administrator gives the trait Administrator: +3 management + 10% movement speed
architect Architect: +1 military craft +2 management + 20% siege
strategist Strategist: +2 military craft +1 management + 20% defense
socializer Social activist +3 diplomacy +10 sex drive/aversion
schemer gives the line Master Intriguer: +3 intrigue
theologian Theologian: +1 intrigue +2 education
gamer Game Master: +1 military craft +2 diplomacy + 30% narrow flank
celibate Celibacy: -1000% fertility +1.00 increase in piety (Monthly) +5 relationship with Christ.Church
poet gives the line Poet: +1 diplomacy
falconer Falconer: +1 diplomacy

Person (Seven Sins)

lustful Lustful: -0.25 increase in piety (monthly) +1 intrigue + 20% fertility -5 Christian church relationship
gluttonous Glutton: -2 management -5 clergy attitude -15 sex drive/aversion
greedy gives the line Greedy: + 10% national taxes -1 diplomacy
slothful Lazy: -1 military craft -1 diplomacy -1 education -1 intrigue -1 management -5 attitude of vassals
wroth Envious: +2 intrigue -1 diplomacy -15 suzerain attitude
envious Angry: +3 military craft -1 intrigue -1 diplomacy
proud gives the line Arrogant: +0.50 increase in prestige (Monthly)

Personality (Seven Virtues)

chaste Chaste: +0.50 increase in piety (monthly) +1 education -15% fertility +5 attitude of the Christian church
temperate Moderate: +2 control +5 clergy attitude
charitable gives the line Generous: +3 diplomacy +5 clergy attitude
diligent Diligent: +1 military craft +1 intrigue +1 diplomacy +1 education +1 management +5 vassal attitude
kind Good: -2 intrigues +2 diplomacy +5 attitude of vassals
patient Patient: +1 intrigue +1 diplomacy +1 management +1 education + 20% defense
humble gives the line Modest: +1.00 increase in piety (monthly)

Personality (Other)

deceitful Insidious: +3 intrigues -2 diplomacy
honest Honest: -2 intrigues +3 diplomacy
craven Coward: -2 military craft -1 fighting skill -20% fighting spirit of the defenders -5 ratio of vassals
brave gives the line Brave: +2 military craft +1 combat skill + 10% morale of the defenders +5 vassal relations
shy Shy: -2 diplomacy
gregarious Sociable: +2 diplomacy +5 sex drive/aversion +5 vassal attitude
ambitious Ambitious: +2 diplomacy +2 military craft +2 management +2 education +2 intrigue -25 relationship because of ambition
content gives the line Satisfied: +0.50 increment of piety (monthly) -1 intrigue +25 suzerain attitude
arbitrary Samodur: -2 control -1 education -5 attitude of vassals
just Fair: +2 management +1 education +5 vassal attitude
cynical Cynical -0.20 increase in piety (monthly) +2 intrigue -5 clergy attitude
zealous gives the line of the Pious +1.00 increase in piety (monthly) +2 military craft +5 clergy -25 attitude of the Gentiles
paranoid Paranoid: +2 intrigue -1 diplomacy
trusting Trusting: -2 intrigues +1 diplomacy
cruel Cruel: +1 intrigue -1 diplomacy + 10% morale of the attacker -5 ratio of vassals
erudite gives the line of Scrabble: +2 education +5 clergy attitude
stubborn Stubborn: -1 diplomacy +1 management -5 attitude of vassals

DLC Jade Dragon modifiers (for generals)

master_of_flame Dragon Path: + 20.0% Attack Morale + 20.0% Damage
logistics_expert Dog’s path: -50.0% Army starvation +30 Supply days + 20.0% Center attack
levy_coordinator gives the Tiger Way + 30.0% Movement Speed ​​+ 20.0% Retreats + 20.0% Attack from the flanks
sapper Leopard Path: + 50.0% Siege + 20.00% two battlefields (Forest and Hills)

Military leadership (perks and skills)

light_foot_leader Infantry commander: + 20% Light infantry
heavy_infantry_leader Heavy infantry commander: + 20% heavy infantry
cavalry_leader gives the line Cavalry Commander: + 20% cavalry
inspiring_leader Inspiring to win: + 15% morale attacking + 15% morale defenders
trickster Unpredictable commander: + 30% unpredictability
organizer Organizer: + 20% movement speed + 10% retreat
defensive_leader gives the line Defense Commander: -10% damage + 25% defense
experimenter Center: + 20% center attack
flanker Dodgy commander: + 20% flank attack
aggressive_leader Aggressive commander: + 25% pursuit + 10% damage -10% defense
siege_leader gives the trait Siege Leader: + 40% siege
flat_terrain_leader Plain Expert: + 20% on the Plains battlefield + 20% on the Arables battlefield + 20% on the Steppe battlefield
rough_terrain_leader Crossing Expert Terrain: + 20% on the battlefield "Forest" +20 on the battlefield "Hills"
mountain_terrain_leader gives the trait Highland Expert: + 20% on the "Mountains" battlefield
desert_terrain_leader Desert Expert: + 20% on the Desert Battlefield
holy_warrior Holy Warrior: + 30% Damage to Enemies of Faith
unyielding_leader Persistent: + 20% defending morale + 10% defensive
narrow_flank_leader gives the line Defense Master: + 50% narrow flank
war_elephant_leader Elephant Master: + 20% Attack Morale + 20% Elephant War
jungle_terrain_leader Jungle Expert: + 20% on the Jungle Battlefield
winter_soldier Winter Warrior: +4.00 winter supply + 50% winter fights

Christian Religion

excommunicated gives the line Excommunicated: -5 diplomacy -15 attitudes of co-religionists
pilgrim Pilgrim: +0.10 increase in piety (monthly) +5 ratio of co-religionists (Made a great pilgrimage)
on_pilgrimage Pilgrim +0.20 increase in piety (monthly) +5 attitude of co-religionists (Currently made a pilgrimage

Muslim Religion

hajjaj gives the Haji trait +0.10 piety growth (monthly) +1 management +5 Muslim opinion
on_hajj On Haji +0.20 increase in piety (monthly) +10 Muslim opinion
faqih Fakih +3 education +5 opinion of vassals
hafiz gives the Hafiz trait: +5 Muslim opinion
sayyid Sayyid: +5 Muslim opinion (Cannot be used with Mirza)
mirza Mirza: +5 Muslim opinion
mutazilite gives trait Mutazilite: +5 education
ashari Asharit: +1.00 increase in piety (monthly)
decadent gives the line Decadedent: -1 combat skill

German paganism

viking Viking: +0.30 prestige gain (monthly) +1 military craft +1 combat skill +15 ratio of co-religionists (Cannot be applied to the ruler of the seas, the destroyer)
ravager gives the line Destroyer: +0.40 increase in prestige (monthly) +2 military craft +2 combat skill +20 attitude of co-religionists (Cannot be applied to a Viking, ruler of the seas)
seaking Lord of the Seas: +0.50 increase in prestige (monthly) +3 military craft +3 combat skill +25 attitude of co-religionists (Cannot be applied to a Viking, destroyer)
sea_queen Lady of the Seas: +0.50 increase in prestige (monthly) +3 military craft +3 combat skill +25 attitude of co-religionists
shieldmaiden gives the line Defender: +0.10 increase in piety (monthly) +5 opinion of the Gentiles


saoshyant Saoshiant: +5 combat skills +10 opinion of Zoroastrians
saoshyant_descendant Descendant of Saoshiant: +5 opinion of Zoroastrians


monk Monk: +0.30 increase in piety (monthly) +5 ratio of co-religionists (male Christ)
nun gives the trait the Nun: +0.30 increase in piety (monthly) +5 ratio of co-religionists (Christ woman)
muni Mooney: +0.30 increase in piety (monthly) +5 ratio of co-religionists (Male Jainist)
aryika Aryan: +0.30 increase in piety (monthly) +5 ratio of co-religionists (Zheshchina Jainist)
bhikkhu Bhikku +0.30 increase in piety (monthly) +5 ratio of co-religionists (Male Buddhist)
bhikkhuni gives the Bhikkuni trait: +.0.30 increase in piety (monthly) +5 ratio of co-religionists (Female Buddhist)
sanyasi Sannyasi: +0.30 increase in piety (monthly) +5 ratio of co-religionists (Male Hebrew)
sanyasini Sannyasini: +0.30 increase in piety (monthly) +5 ratio of co-religionists (Female Hindus)

Crusade Traits

crusader Crusader: +2 military craft +1 combat skill +15 clergy opinion
mujahid gives the line of Mujahideen: +2 military craft +1 combat skill +5 Muslim opinion
valhalla_bound Place in Valhalla: +2 military craft +1 combat skill +5 pagan opinion
eagle_warrior Eagle Warrior: +2 military craft +1 combat skill +15 clergy attitude
sun_warrior Sun Warrior: +2 military craft +1 combat skill +15 clergy attitude
ukkos_shield gives the line Ukko's Hammer: +2 military craft +1 combat skill +15 clergy attitude
nyames_shield Shield of Nyame: +2 military craft +1 combat skill +15 clergy attitude
peruns_chosen Chosen of Perun: +2 military craft +1 combat skill +15 clergy attitude
romuvas_own Stalker of Dievas +2 military craft +1 combat skill +15 clergy attitude
ares_own gives the trait Ares Warrior: +2 military craft +1 combat skill +15 clergy attitude
tengri_warrior Heavenly Horseman: +2 military craft +1 combat skill +15 clergy attitude
shaddai Kanai: +2 military craft +1 combat skill +15 clergy attitude
gondi_shahansha Gond-i Shahanshah: +2 military craft +1 combat skill +15 clergy attitude


kinslayer gives the line Killer Kinsmen: -3 diplomacy -15 dynasty attitude
homosexual Homosexual/Lesbian: -15% fecundity +30 sex drive/aversion -5 vassal attitude
eunuch Eunuch: -5000% fecundity -20 sex drive/disgust
blinded Blinded: -6 military craft -2 intrigue -2 control -1.00 health -10 combat skills -10 sex drive/disgust
augustus gives the line August: +0.50 increase in prestige (monthly) +10 ratio of vassals
peasant_leader Peasant leader: -5 diplomacy -10 vassal relations
heresiarch Heresyarch: -15 attitude of the Gentiles +25 relationship of the Gentiles
berserker Berserker: +4 military craft -2 diplomacy +3 personal military skills
varangian gives the Varyag trait: +2 military craft +1 diplomacy +2 personal military skills
reincarnation Reincarnation: "Everything indicates that this person is the reincarnation of one who is known as the ruler of N"
in_hiding Hiding: Increase in prestige -2.00 (Monthly) -5 diplomacy -5 vassal relations
adventurer Adventurer: Militia size + 20% +1 Military craft -1 diplomacy +1 personal combat skill + 10% of maximum human resources
horse gives the line of Horses: -10 military crafts -10 intrigues -10 diplomacy -10 education -10 management -5000% fertility -2.00 health -20 sex drive/aversion
cannibal_trait Cannibal: +3 military craft -10 public opinion +1 personal combat skill
lovers_pox Sexually Transmitted Disease: -5 Sex Drive/Aversion