Buildings in The Forest

To add, use the PlaceBuiltObjects [build] command.

Unusual buildings

WardrobeWardrobe_Built 1Not implemented in the game, can be added using this command. Unable to choose where you can place it.
Little WallEx_SmallWallChunkBuilt 1Not implemented in the game, can be added using this command. Unable to choose where you can place it.
Large dryerDryingRackBuilt 1Removed from the game, can only be added through this command. May fall to the ground after installation.
The bed in the caveEx_GardenUndergroundBuilt2 1Located in caves, but can also be installed outside the caves.
Scarecrow with a headEffigyHead 1Removed from the game, can only be added through this command.
Raft oarEx_RaftOarBuilt 1Cannot be made in the game. Very buggy. After the selection you can’t get out of hand.
Small bedGardenBuilt 1Removed from the game, there was an original non-custom garden. This one is covered with moss.
Alpine tree house - without a ropeTreeHouseChalet_Built_Anchor 1Can be placed without a tree, it will be installed on the ground.
Alpine tree house - with ropeTreeHouseChalet_Built_Rope 1Can be placed without a tree, it will be installed on the ground.
Tree House - No RopeTreeHouse_Built_Anchor 1Can be placed without a tree, it will be installed on the ground.
Tree House - with a ropeTreeHouse_Built_Rope 1Can be placed without a tree, it will be installed on the ground.
Platform on a tree - no ropeTreePlatform_Built_Anchor 1Can be placed without a tree, it will be installed on the ground.
Platform on a tree - with a ropeTreePlatform_Built_Rope 1Can be placed without a tree, it will be installed on the ground.
Resin StoreTreesapCollectorBuilt 1Can be placed without a tree.
Custom WallEx_WallChunkBuilt 1Custom wall, although it may differ from the wall below.
Custom WallEx_WallChunkBuiltH 1Custom wall, although it may differ from the wall above.
Fish TrapTrap_FishBuilt 1Can be placed on the ground if you are near a fishing hut.

Standard buildings

/ ADS /
Armor rackArmorMannequinBuilt 1
Basket for arrowsArrowBasketBuilt 1
bedBed_Built 1
BirdhouseBirdhouse_Built 1
Bone BasketBoneBasketBuilt 1
Bone ChairBoneChair_Built 1
Bone frame for the pictureBoneFrame_Built 1
Big bonfireBonFireBuilt 1
Ceiling LightCeilingSkullLightBuilt 1
ChairChairBuilt 1
Bone ChandelierChandelier_Built 1
Decorative deer skinDecoration_deerSkinBuilt 1
Outdoor Weapon StorageDecoration_GroundWeaponHolderBuilt 1
Decorative rabbit furDecoration_RabbitSkinBuilt 1
Decorative SkullDecoration_skullBuilt 1
Hunting TrophyDecoration_TrophyMakerBuilt 1
Wall bedDecoration_WallPlantPotBuilt 1
Wall mounted weapon hooksDecoration_WallWeaponHolderBuilt 1
DryerDryingRackLiteBuilt 1
Big scarecrowEffigyBigBuilt 1
Hand ScarecrowEffigyRainBuilt 1
Little ScarecrowEffigySmallBuilt 1
Bone GuardEx_BoneFenceChunkBuilt 1
Crane / ElevatorEx_CraneBuilt 1
Your scarecrowEx_EffigyBuilt 1
User GenderEx_FloorBuilt 1
Custom BedEx_GardenBuilt 1
PlatformEx_PlatformBuilt 1
Stone wallEx_RockFenceChunkBuilt 1
Stone WalkwayEx_RockPathChunkBuilt 1
Stick fencingEx_StickFenceChunkBuilt 1
Old picket fenceEx_WallDefensiveChunkBuilt 1
Wire-frame rope descentEx_ZiplineBuilt 1
Rope descent from a treeEx_ZiplineTreeBuilt 1
A Simple BonfireFireBuilt 1
BonfireFireBuiltRockPit 1
FireplaceFireplace_Built 1
Fire on a standFireStandBuilt 1
ArborGazeboBuilt 1
Shelf for explosivesHolderExplosives_Built 1
Large cupboardHolderSnacks_Built 1
HouseboatHouseBoat_Small 1
Big raftLargeRaftBuilt 1
Temporary shelterLeafHutBuilt 1
LoghouseLogCabinBuilt 1
Little HouseLogCabin_Small_Built 1
Small Log StorageLogHolderBuilt 1
Large log storageLogHolderLargeBuilt 1
Middle cabinetMedicineCabinet_Built 1
SledMultiSledBuilt 1
CatapultMultiThrowerBuilt 1
Rabbit CageRabbitCageBuilt 1
Little RaftRaftBuilt 1
Small Stone VaultRockHolderBuilt 1
Large Stone VaultRockHolderLargeBuilt 1
Side PlatformRockSidePlatformBuilt 1
PlatformPlatformBuilt 1
Climbing ropeRopeBuilt 1
Hunting ShelterShelterBuilt 1
Shelving for skinsSkinRack_Built 1
Skull LampSkullLightBuilt 1
Table / Bedside TableSmallTableBuilt 1
Defensive SpikesSpikeDefenseBuilt 1
Stick MarkerStickMarkerBuilt 1
Small Stick StorageStick_HolderBuilt 1
Large stick storageStick_HolderLargeBuilt 1
TableTableBuilt 1
Wooden targetTarget_Built 1
The Falling Death TrapTrap_Deadfall 1
Leaf TrapTrap_LeafPileBuilt 1
Animal TrapTrap_RabbitBuilt 1
Trap loopTrap_RopeBuilt 1
Happy Birthday TrapTrap_SpikeWall 1
Rope swing trapTrap_swingingRockInTree 1
Explosive Wire TrapTrap_TripWireExplosiveBuilt 1
Hammer StretchTrap_TripWireMolotovBuilt 1
Wooden walkwayWalkwayStraightBuilt 1
Main wallWallBuilt 1
Wall with a doorWallBuilt_Doorway 1
Wall with a windowWallBuilt_Window 1
SumpWaterCollector_Built 1
Weapon RackWeaponRackBuilt 1
SofaWoodCouch_Built 1
Picture stick frameWoodFrame_Built 1
Wooden benchWorkBenchBuilt 1