Cheats for GTA: San Andreas (cars, money, weapons, etc.)

We present to you a list of all relevant codes with which you can get a huge set of advantages. Money, infinite health and ammo, getting weapons, cars and much more in GTA: San Andreas.

How to enter any cheats in GTA: San Andreas

Teams are activated right during the gameplay, you don’t need to press any additional buttons, open the console and something like that in GTA: San Andreas is also not required. It's simple - just press the letters on the keyboard and the codes work.

If you need to stop the game process while entering a combination, you can pause it with the Esc key. Then, on the menu screen, enter the selected combination, and after clearing the pause, it will work.

Cheats for GTA: San Andreas for weapons, cars and everything else

Input Code Execution Result
LXGIWYL Set of weapons number 1 - "Amateur". It contains brass knuckles, a bat, a 9 mm pistol, a shotgun, a Micro SMG submachine gun, an AK-47 assault rifle, a rifle, a rocket launcher, a Molotov cocktail and a spray can of paint
PROFESSIONALSKIT or KJKSZPJ Set of weapons number 2 - "Professional". In GTA: San Andreas, it contains a knife, a Desert Eagle pistol, a shotgun edge, a TEC-9 submachine gun, an M4 machine gun, a sniper rifle, a fire extinguisher, a flamethrower and grenades
UZUMYMW Set of weapons number 3 - "Crazy" in GTA: San Andreas. The cheat code gives a chainsaw, a gun with a silencer, a combat shotgun, an MP5 submachine gun, an M4 machine gun, a Stinger rocket launcher and explosives with a detonator
FULLCLIP or WANRLTW Infinite ammunition of all weapons in the GTA: San Andreas (ammo will not end, and the shooting can be conducted without reloading)
BAGUVIX Infinite health (invulnerability to blows, bullets and fire, but you can die from a car collision, explosion, fall from a height, drowning)
OUIQDMW Cheat code for auto-guiding weapons when shooting from a car in GTA: San Andreas
HESOYAM Completely restores health, provides armor and $ 250,000
CVWKXAM Endless breathing under water
AEDUWNV Provides constant character fullness
MUNASEF or ANOSEONGLASS Activates adrenaline boost mode
CQZIJMB Gives Bloodring Banger (death car show)
PDNEJOH Gives Hotring Racer 73 (GTA rally car: San Andreas)
AIWPRTON Gives Rhino (powerful tank)
VPJTQWV Gives Hotring Racer 07 (another rally car)
KRIJEBR Get Stretch (long limousine)
AQTBCODX Lets you get Romero
UBHYZHQ Get Trashmaster (garbage truck)
RZHSUEW The cheat code gives Caddy (the technique of golfers in GTA: San Andreas)
AMOMHRER Gives Tanker Truck (fuel truck)
EEGCYXT Gives Dozer (bulldozer technique)
AGBDLCID Gives Monster (big-wheel jeep)
JUMPJET Lets you get Hydra (airplane)
JQNTDMH Getting Rancher (GTA Jeep: San Andreas)
OHDUDE Lets you get Hunter (helicopter)
URKQSRK Get Stunt Plane (WWI aircraft)
AIYPWZQP Gives a parachute to your character’s inventory
KGGGDKP Gives Vortex Hovercraft (hovercraft)
ROCKETMAN or YECGAA Gives Jetpack (rocket pack)
NATURALTALENT Cheat code does all the hero’s skills in GTA: San Andreas maximum level
VQIMAHA Gives the maximum skill for managing all vehicles
NCSGDAG or PROFESSIONALKILLER Gives an Ideal Weapon Proficiency Level in GTA: San Andreas
EHIBXQS or HELLOLADIES Maximum Character Attractiveness
BTCDBCB Makes the protagonist extremely fat
KVGYZQK makes the character as thin as possible
BUFFMEUP or JYSDSOD Cheat code increases the character's muscle in GTA: San Andreas to the limit
VKYPQCF Makes the character as hardy as possible
OGXSDAG or WORSHIPME Raises respect to the limit for the main character of the GTA: San Andreas
ASNAEB or TURNDOWNTHEHEAT Sets the crime rate to zero (all wanted stars disappear)
LJSPQK, BRINGITON Gives the highest possible degree of harassment by the police (you get 6 wanted stars)
OSRBLHH or TURNUPTHEHEAT Adds 2 wanted stars to the current crime rate
AEZAKMI Deprives the police of the opportunity to arrest you

Cheats for changing the environment in GTA: San Andreas

Input Code Execution Result
COXEFGU All cars get nitro acceleration. Its supply is limited, but to replenish it is enough to get out of the car and get into it again
CPKTNWT Allows you to blow up all the surrounding cars in the GTA: San Andreas
RIPAZHA All cars get the opportunity to fly. To take off, you need to accelerate, and the control will be similar to aircraft
XICWMD Makes all vehicles invisible except for the wheels of cars. Motorcycles will also remain fully visible
PGGOMOY Improves management, increases its sensitivity and sharpness
AFSNMSMW Cheat code gives all boats in GTA: San Andreas the ability to fly
ZEIIVG Green light will always be on at all traffic lights
YLTEICZ Makes all drivers and passengers aggressive
LLQPFBN or AGRUXVHIQYH All cars in GTA: San Andreas will be painted pink
IOWDLAC or AGRUJRYMNOL Repaints all cars on the streets black
FVTMNBZ Only vehicles from the countryside will appear
BGKGTJH Cheat code leads to the appearance on the streets in GTA: San Andreas of only cheap slow cars
GUSNHDE Only expensive fast sports cars appear on the streets
BUBBLECARS Disable physics laws for machine collisions
JCNRUAD Any of your vehicles in GTA: San Andreas gets the characteristics of a tank
BIFBUZZ Leaves only bandits on the streets, other passers-by disappear
MROEMZH Turns all the people walking on the street into bandits
AJLOJYQY Cheat code forces passers-by in GTA: San Andreas to fight golf clubs with each other
BAGOWPG All the people on the streets begin to hunt for the hero
FOOOXFT Makes all passers-by owners of different guns
BGLUAWML People on the streets will attack the protagonist with weapons
ASBHGRB All the passers-by in the GTA: San Andreas will be dressed like Elvis
CIKGCGX Dressing people in the street like at a beach party
AFPHULTL Cheat code makes passers-by in GTA: San Andreas dressed as if they were all ninjas
BEKKNQV Makes all the people in the streets around girls
CRAZYTOWN Makes all the passers-by in the GTA: San Andreas crazies
SJMAHPE You can hire people on the streets (they have a 9 mm gun)
ZSOXFSQ It makes it possible to recruit passers-by, they have a rocket launcher
AFZLLQLL Makes the weather sunny outside
ICIKPYH Cheat code changes the weather conditions in GTA: San Andreas to verysolar
ALNSFMZO Instantly makes the weather in the city cloudy
AUIFRVQS Causes Rainy Weather in GTA: San Andreas
MGHXYRM The weather becomes rainy, a thunderstorm begins
CFVFGMJ Makes the current weather conditions in the city hazy
CWJXUOC Instantly changes the weather to a sandstorm
YSOHNUL Cheat code speeds up game time in GTA: San Andreas
PPGWJHT Increases the speed of movement of characters and vehicles
LIYOAAY Slows down the gameplay (opposite to the previous one)
XJVSNAJ or NIGHTPROWLER Fixes time in GTA: San Andreas at midnight (00:00)
OFVIAC captures playing time at sunset (21:00)
JHJOECW Allows you to jump very high on your bike
IAVENJQ A cheat code allows your beats to kill everyone in one go. May also apply to the power of passersby in GTA: San Andreas
LFGMHAL Boosts your character’s jumping
SZCMAWO Immediate suicide of the protagonist
IOJUFZN Turns on riot mode among GTA passers-by: San Andreas. Complete chaos: robbery, murder, looting. The police will not intervene
PRIEBJ Carnival mode! changes the appearance of the protagonist, people on the street and cars related to fast food and clowns
THGLOJ Removes passers-by and reduces the movement of cars. In parking lots, however, there will be as many vehicles