Cheats for GTA 4 on cars, weapons, etc.

We present to you a list of all relevant codes with which you can get a huge set of advantages. Getting weapons and cars, getting rid of the police and much more in GTA 4.

Please note that some of them block the receipt of certain achievements, thereby not allowing you to complete the game 100%. Details are provided for each case separately.

How to enter any cheats in GTA 4

Codes must be entered in the phone of the protagonist. When correctly entered on the mobile phone screen in GTA 4, the activation text appears. The number will be saved in the in-game phone book.

All known cheats on GTA 4 in the table

Input Code Execution Result
482-555-0100 Completely restores the health of the protagonist. Blocks Mean Streets, Walk Free, One Man Army achievements
362-555-0100 Allows your character to gain full armor. Blocks achievements of Mean Streets, Finish Him, One Man Army
486-555-0100 Gives a set of weapons number 1 in GTA 4, which includes a baseball bat, pistol, shotgun, MP5, M4, sniper rifle, RPG and grenades. Blocks achievement of Mean Streets
486-555-0150 Allows you to get weapons number 2. It gives out a knife, Molotov cocktails, a pistol, a shotgun, Uzi, a Kalashnikov assault rifle, a sniper rifle and an RPG. blocks achievement Mean Streets
267-555-0100 Completely relieves you of police harassment. Blocks Walk Free, One Man Army achievements
267-555-0150 Cheat code adds one character to your character in GTA 4
468-555-0100 Causes an instant change in weather conditions
359-555-0100 Creates Annihilator next to your character. Blocks Walk Free, One Man Army achievements
938-555-0100 Allows you to instantly receive the Jetmax technique. Blocks achievement of Walk Free in GTA 4
625-555-0100 Causes the appearance of NRG-900 near you
625-555-0150 Sanchez appears next to your character
227-555-0100 Cheat code allows you to get FIB Buffalo in GTA 4
227-555-0175 Causes an appearance near you Comet
227-555-0147 Turismo appears next to your character in GTA 4
227-555-0142 Lets you get the Cognoscenti
227-555-0168 Causes an appearance near you SuperGT This is a site that needs to be opened in any browser within the game. On it you will get access to various city maps with armor, weapons, health, entertainment, equipment and other things

Cheats for GTA 4: The Ballad of Gay Tony

Input Code Execution Result
486-555-2526 Allows you to get explosive bullets for a sniper rifle
276-555-2666 Enables Heroic Explosion Mode
272-555-8265 Allows you to instantly get APC equipment (tank in GTA 4)
359-555-2899 Causes the appearance of a Buzzard model helicopter near you
272-555-8265 Cheat code allows you to get a Bullet GT supercar in GTA 4
625-555-0200 Causes the appearance of an Akuma motorcycle near you
938-555-0150 A Floater boat will appear next to your character in GTA 4
359-555-7272 Allows the main character to instantly receive a parachute
625-555-3273 Vader sport bike will appear next to your character

Cheats for GTA 4: The Lost and Damned

Input Code Execution Result
245-555-0100 Allows you to instantly get an Innovation motorcycle
359-555-2899 Causes a Hexer bike to appear near you
272-555-8265 Allows you to get a Double T Custom sports bike in GTA 4
938-555-0150 A Hakuchou Custom will appear next to your character
625-555-0200 Causes the Slamvan Mafia Box to appear near you
625-555-3273 Gang Burrito will appear next to your character in GTA 4